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Welcome to Market Season 2020

Greg Ferro

Despite a wild spring, the land was still prepped, the seeds were still sown, and the flowers still blossomed. It’s time to enjoy the bounty of all of this hard work with you. Although this market season will look a little different than those we are all accustomed to, it just may be our best one yet.

At the market there are a few little steps that we can all take to have a big impact on the safety of our community. Please wear a face covering – all of your farmers market friends will have one! They cannot wait to see you, but please keep your social distance. Lastly, follow the one way “Stroll Thru,” entering and exiting the market at the designated locations. Take a look at the map below to get your lay of the land.

Most of your favorite farms and vendors are back this Saturday. Clover Nook, River Crest, and Vaiuso farms will offer early season produce, flowers, and plants. Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm will be back with a delicious selection of locally raised meats. In total, we’ll have about 15 tents for you to explore. Please remember that it is early in the growing season and we are just getting started. In a few weeks our produce tables will be much larger and diverse.

Lastly, our sharp friend Harper Keehn will be at the market this Saturday and next. Simply drop off your dull knives, tools, and scissors at his tent. After the market he’ll bring ‘em to his shop and sharpen ‘em up. He will either deliver ‘em to you or have ‘em ready for pickup at next Saturday’s market. Thanks to Harper, we’ll be ready to slice and dice our local favorites all sweet summer long.

Saturday, June 27, 9 to 1230 (Senior Stroll 830 to 9*)

Sun and clouds. Slight chance of a pop-up thunderstorm. Temperatures approaching 80.

Expected Tents


Clover Nook Farm – Early season veggies and berries

River Crest Farm – Early season veggies, plants, and flowers

Vaiuso Farm – Plants and flowers

Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm – A wide-variety of locally raised meats, including beef, turkey, sausages, pork, and chicken

Prepared Foods:

Dash n’ Drizzle – Oils and spices

Oronoque Farm Bakery – Pies and cookies

Wild Women Coffee – Beans and coffee

Home Goods and Gifts:

Altered and Refab

Blue Lily Cotton

Harper Keehn Knife Sharpening

Milford Rocks Jewelry

Beauty, Health, and Wellness:

Ridge Runner Soaps

Sabatino Chiropractic

Sue Glennon’s Daisy Blue

*for those 65+, pregnant, or immune deficient

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