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The Sweet Tastes of a CT-Grown Summer

Greg Ferro

It has certainly felt like summer in and around Milford these past few days! With the help of your farmers market friends, it can finally start to taste like summer, too.

Some of the sweetest offerings of the summer are finally ready for your picking. This Saturday Chris and the Vaiuso Farm Crew will debut their long-anticipated corn and tomatoes. The River Crest Farm family will offer delicious beets. Lars and the Clover Nook Farm Crew will have tasty blueberries, peaches, and maybe even nectarines. With over 25 veggies and fruits expected, we’re really starting to see the impressive bounty of this summer!

All of the offerings at the market are CT-grown, most within 18 miles of Milford. This little distance goes a long way when it comes to flavor. Thanks to a simple “supply chain,” many of the offerings at the market are picked that very morning. It does not take too much time for the River Crest family to pick beets out of their ground, load ‘em in their truck, and drive ‘em a whole 1.5 miles to the market. No planes, boats, or trains required. Within a few hours your summer favorites can go from farm to your table. It does not get any sweeter than that...

...or maybe it does. Our new friends from Oronque Farm Bakery in neighboring Shelton will be offering delicious pies at the market. Their pies have been very popular – especially their blueberry crumb! Couple a slice with a cold brew from Wild Women Coffee and you have one sweet start to your Saturday.

Saturday, July 25th

Sun and clouds. Temperatures near 80. A light breeze.

Expected Tents


Clover Nook Farm – Peaches, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, corn, etc.

River Crest Farm – Garlic, kohlrabi, radish, squash, beets, etc.

Vaiuso’s Farm – Five varieties of lettuce, kale, spinach, scallions, cucumbers, tomatoes, corn, etc.

Ekonk Hill Turkey Farm – Fresh eggs and many cuts of pasture-raised meats.

Prepared Foods:

Dash n’ Drizzle

Oronoque Farms Bakery

Wild Women Coffee


Renewal by Anderson

Sabatino Chiropractic

Home Goods and Gifts:

Color Street

Ridge Runner Soaps

Heather’s Usborne Books


Bead by Bead

Park Lane Jewelry

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